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Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal?

By October 24, 2022 No Comments
You have probably often heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but have you ever wondered if that’s true?

Every meal is necessary and presents the opportunity to get essential nutrients; breakfast is no exception. Starting your morning with healthy options like eggs or oatmeal has plenty of benefits. You have probably often heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but have you ever wondered if that’s true?

Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal?

This is a complicated question. There are many benefits to getting a healthy breakfast to start your day. The added nutrients and energy boost are essential for everyone but also for kids getting ready for school. Kids who don’t eat breakfast risk being tired and more irritable during the school day, making it difficult for them to learn. Kids who eat breakfast are also less likely to develop heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Although breakfast may not be more important than other meals, it benefits children and contributes to their overall mood and success.

What Should You Eat for Breakfast?

To get the most out of the first meal of the day, you must ensure you get the nutrients you and your children need. Meals rich in carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and dairy are best to help stimulate metabolism and give you the energy you need. Fresh fruits, nuts, yogurt, and cereal are all great options.

What Resources do Hungry Kids Have?

Food insecure children are in danger of losing out on vital nutrients and a boost in energy by not having breakfast. There may be opportunities for them to get this meal from breakfast and backpack programs in their schools. Programs that donate meals to needy children can also help supplement the need for breakfast. Food pantries and mobile food bank locations help to fill these needs in the communities they serve.

To help, you can donate to programs like the One Initiative that donate meals to children that need them.

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