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Child Hunger During the Holiday Season

By October 10, 2022 No Comments
For some, the holiday season can be difficult, and those holiday meals (as well as others) may be hard to provide for their children.

The holiday season can be a magical time that brings people together. Often, celebrations and get-togethers are accompanied by a much-anticipated shared meal. However, for some, the holidays can be difficult, and those holiday meals (as well as others) may be hard to provide for their children.

Child hunger is a serious year-round issue, but some unique struggles come with the holiday season. Here are some challenges that impact children during this time of year and what can be done to help alleviate them.

Holiday Difficulties

While children are in school, they have access to the USDA National School Lunch Program. Which provides food to over 30 million kids per day that otherwise might go without. Holiday breaks mean that those children do not have access to this resource. This may mean a decreased food availability or a financial strain on their parents as more food than usual is needed to feed their families.

As well as financial pressure, families may also feel pressure to provide more food for their children during the holidays. Classic foods like turkey and ham can be out of reach for those that struggle during this season. Not having enough and not being able to afford nutritious food can emotionally impact children and their parents during this time of celebration and cheer.

Although the quantity of food is a concern, quality is also important to ensure children get the nutrients they need to be healthy. Low-quality food can greatly impact tiny stomachs. This can affect energy, focus, and even long-term health.

What Helps During the Holiday Season?

The Digital Giving Index in 2014 showed that 31% of annual giving took place in December. This reflects a sharp increase in donations, including food donations, around the holiday season. That can help to offset the increase in needs for food insecure families. In addition to these donations, there is also an increase in donations of time from community members. Charitable work is a great way to give back and makes a difference to food banks and organizations that offset childhood hunger.

The One Initiative makes donating food easy. This program donates meals to hungry children year-round whenever C. R. England successfully delivers a load or whenever England Logistics completes a business transaction. In addition, donations can be made directly to the One Initiative that goes straight to our local food bank partners. Donations like these can help to combat childhood hunger, especially during times of the year when children need it the most.



The One Initiative unites C.R England and England Logistics in the fight to end childhood hunger. Learn more about work of the One Initiative at